I'd post a picture of our deep red tomatoes...but they've been eaten already. :) Contrast this to 5 weeks from now, when we'll be eating them at every meal and begging people to take the extras off our hands. (In fact they'll go to our local food bank.)
How to say my name: Two syllables, containing the following Standard American English vowels: long A, short I. Soft "th" as in "thorn" at the end there. Silent E.
Try it. Jay-lith. Jaelithe.
Got it? Good.
Extra points if you can tell me what fictional novel my mother took it from ;)
Email me: stateofdiscontentATgmail.com
I really need to try that whole 'grow your own food' thing.
I'd post a picture of our deep red tomatoes...but they've been eaten already. :) Contrast this to 5 weeks from now, when we'll be eating them at every meal and begging people to take the extras off our hands. (In fact they'll go to our local food bank.)
Likewise with our watermelons in five weeks.
It's a happy thought.
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