The Season of Summer Squash
July has been the Month of Summer Squash at this household.
From four low, bushy little plants in my backyard, a steady stream of creamy-fleshed, golden-yellow crookneck squash has flowed into my kitchen.
I have made pasta primavera with broccoli and summer squash. Honey-ginger stir-fry with fresh garden peas, green beans and squash. Saffron rice stuffed squash. Vegetable fajitas with squash. Squash quesadillas. A squash-and-potato fritatta.
I am beginning to eye a recipe for squash muffins.
Any pre-gardener who doubts her or she could grow enough fresh produce in a small suburban plot to actually get sick of it has never planted summer squash.
Or, for that matter, Juliet tomatoes.
Around here, August is looking to be the Month of the Juliet Tomatoes.
Why. yes, that is just one tomato plant. Why, yes that tomato plant is taller than I am. Yes, yes it is.
My favourite thing to make with Zucchini or summer squash is Zucchini chocolate cake. It turns out moist and delicious, there are recipes for it all over the place. It sounds weird, but so does carrot cake, and they're both awesome.
I enjoy reading about your garden. I also have a backyard garden that feeds us in the summer, so I love to see what other people are growing.
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